Photo Booths
Digital Photo, Boomerang, GIF, Video – Ring Booths
Ring booths are great for parties, events and offer a wide selection of options such as photos, GIFS, Boomerang etc. If space is limited you’ll appreciate this style of booth!
Packages include staff, digital frame design (template), props, gallery. Printing is not available with this style booth. See our other photo booth options for this.
Keeps costs low with our ‘Drop off and Collect’, self run option. In addition, long term, fully managed rental available. Great for static attractions, events, malls and tourism.

Traditional Style Photo Booth
These style booths have been the mainstay of the photo booth industry for years. Still very popular, providing instant prints and plenty of options for frame designs and layouts. Ideally suited for multiple photos on the one print. Usually 3 or 4.
Great for small areas, available with, or without printing and includes frame design, gallery etc.